I love using my senses to take in God's vast beauty on Earth!
- The warmth on my skin on a cool, crisp morning
- The softness of newborn, baby kitties
- The sight of a gorgeous sunrise over the open prairie
- The sound of raindrops hitting a tin roof in the middle of a drought
- And finally, my absolute favorite... the smell of freshly cut hay!
...Or in this case, freshly cut grass. Since I'm now living in town, I don't have the luxury of mowing my own yard. To many this is probably a blessing. Who wants to sit out on a lawnmower in the heat of the day and mow the yard? I have to admit, that's me! I love mowing! I especially love mowing hay on my family's farm. It is my absolute favorite job in the summer months. Dad puts me on a tractor, hooks up the mower or rake or baler, and sends me to the hay field for the day. It's peaceful, it's quiet, it's relaxing, it's time to talk to God, and it smells amazing!
Today, I got just a glimpse of this wonderous life on the farm. A mowing service came and mowed my yard filling the air with that amazing smell!
My windows are open and the house is smelling springtime fresh!
What are your favorite smells??
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