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Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Start of a New Beginning, 2012!

January 1, 2012...the first day of a new year! Resolutions anyone?

As for me, I've never really set resolutions or written down goals for the new year.  It's more of an attitude, or new outlook on life in my case.  Looking back on the year behind us I am grateful for the many blessings God has bestowed on us.  And that is the new attitude I am working toward in 2012, a heart of thanksgiving. 

I recently began reading a book, entitled One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live FULLY Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp.  I encourage you to check out her website and read her book.  But I have to warn you, it is truly life changing.  A farmer's wife and mother of 6, Ann is a true inspiration of living a Christian life.  While faced with some of the most devastating trials and tribulations she shows the power of thanksgiving. 

If you stop and think about it, if you are busy being thankful and counting your blessing, there is no possible way you can be discouraged or down in life.  Throughout this book, Ann keeps a list of '1000 gifts'.  Every little blessing in life she gives thanks for and writes down in a journal.  She has now created an App for iPhone users to keep a list of their own '1000 gifts' in an easy and convenient way.  I have just began my list and am increasingly amazed with the power of thanksgiving. 

May you all have a blessed and wonderful new year! Strive for improvement, enjoy every moment, and take time to take a step back and be thankful for life.

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