Hi all!
It has been a busy fall to say the least! Last weekend our livestock judging team competed at the American Royal in Kansas City, MO. I love this show and contest, because it's in my home state of course. I've attended the American Royal for many years and loved it each and every time. My absolute fondest memory of the Royal is the year I exhibited my steer Alvin. He was a super sweet steer and I had a blast showing him that year!
I made it back to Mizzou on Sunday evening and will be leaving again bright and early Friday morning. We're headed to Louisville, KY! The North American International Livestock Exhibition (NAILE) is the biggest contest of the year, and the last to make matters worse. Our entire season has been focused on Louisville - it's truly the reason we practice so hard all year. Between catching up with school work, taking tests, finishing projects, keeping up with working, washing clothes and re-packing, I am extremely excited for the trip out west to Louisville!
We have 3 days built in for travel and practicing and the big contest takes place on Monday. We head home Tuesday and then it's back to the grind at school, and FINALLY Thanksgiving Break! I will be one happy girl when that day rolls around.
Until next time, may you have a good and Godly day!